2.10 Environment Variable

Shell environment variable can be set in MCMD to customize the settings for commands. The environment variables that can be set for MCMD are listed in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5: List of the environment variable to configure KGMOD

Variable name

Default value




Size of data read for each time


Four times of KG_iSize is allocated for input buffer.


However, 10 times of the command parameters is allocated for kgsortf.


Refer to KG_BlockCount for command’s buffer size on processing by key block.


The following conditions must be satisfied.


KG_iSize=KG_MaxRecLen$*$i (given i is an integer greater than 1)


KG_iSize$\ge $KG_MaxRecLen$*$2



Size of data written for each time


The same memory size in KG_oSize is allocated for output buffer.


KG_oSize=KG_MaxRecLen$*$i (given i is an integer greater than 1)


KG_oSize$\ge $KG_MaxRecLen$*$2



The maximum number of characters per row (maximum:10240000)


It must satisfy the conditions shown in KG_iSize and KG_oSize.



The number of buffers required when processing$^{1)}$ by key.


The column KG_iSize shows buffer size$*$KG_BlockCount is allocated.


KG_MaxRecLen $*$2 + 4$*$ KG_ioSize) $*$ KG_BlockCount



The directory of temporary files in the default directory used by library functions.



Significant figures



Output error message for M-Command


0: Do not print any messages.


1: + error message output


2: + warning message output


3: + end message output


4: + msg message output (default)

Note 1) Processing by key, such as mnjoin, refers to reading data with same key into the memory at once. Refer to the manual of corresponding command for more details.

Below is an example of changing the settings of KG_VerboseLevel to control the command message.


Example 1: End message

The default setting of output message is set as KG_Verbose=4 which displays a message when the program finished processing normally or terminates upon an error.

$ more dat.csv
$ mcut f=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv
#END# kgcut f=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv
$ mcut x=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv
#ERROR# unknown parameter x= (kgcut)

Example 2: Only display error messages

If KG_Verbose=1, the stop error message is displayed, but not the normal exit message.

$ export KG_VerboseLevel=1
$ mcut f=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv
$ mcut x=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv
#ERROR# unknown parameter x= (kgcut)

Example 3: Do not display any messages

If KG_Verbose=0, no message will be displayed.

$ export KG_VerboseLevel=0
$ mcut f=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv
$ mcut x=k,v i=dat.csv o=out.csv