3.45 show : Display ZDD



  $switch$ : string


Display various format of ZDD object$obj$ through standard output. Output format converts the given value (character string) as shown in Table 3.1. If $switch$ is not specified, items will be displayed in sum-of-products format.

Table 3.1: List of switches for ZDD object display format

Value and function of $switch$

(No switch)

Display item’s sum-of-products


Display the weight in (-2) base for each digit by itemset


Display integer value sum-of-products in hexadecimal digits


Display in Karnaugh map. The map displays up to 6 item variables


Display in Karnaugh map. Redundant item variables are removed


Display case analysis of sum of products for each integer value


Display simple disjoint decomposition format


Example 1: Basic Example

> require 'zdd'
> a=ZDD::itemset("a")
> b=ZDD::itemset("b")
> c=ZDD::itemset("c")
> f=5*a*b*c - 3*a*b + 2*b*c + c
> f.show
 5 a b c - 3 a b + 2 b c + c
> ZDD::constant(0).show

Example 2: bit

> require 'zdd'
> a=ZDD::itemset("a")
> b=ZDD::itemset("b")
> c=ZDD::itemset("c")
> f=5*a*b*c - 3*a*b + 2*b*c + c
> f.show
 5 a b c - 3 a b + 2 b c + c

> f.bit
NoMethodError: undefined method `bit' for 5 a b c +  - 3 a b + 2 b c + c:Module
	from (irb):8
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

# "a b c" has weight of -5, expressed in (-2) base is 101. 
# 1*(-2)^2+0*(-2)^1+1*(-2)^0 = 5
# Therefore 0 digit and 2nd digit of itemset "a b c" is display. 
# "a b" has weight of -3 expressed in (-2) base is 1101. 
# 1*(-2)^3+1*(-2)^2+0*(-2)^1+1*(-2)^0 = -3
# Therefore 0,2nd,3rd digit of itemset "a b" is displayed. 

Example 3: hex

> require 'zdd'
> a=ZDD::itemset("a")
> b=ZDD::itemset("b")
> c=ZDD::itemset("c")
> d=ZDD::itemset("d")

> f=a*b+11*b*c+30*d+4
> f.show
 a b + 11 b c + 30 d + 4
> f.hex
NoMethodError: undefined method `hex' for a b + 11 b c + 30 d + 4 :Module
	from (irb):9
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

Example 4: map

> require 'zdd'
> a=ZDD::itemset("a")
> b=ZDD::itemset("b")
> c=ZDD::itemset("c")
> d=ZDD::itemset("d")
> f=2*a*b+3*b+4
> f.show
 2 a b + 3 b + 4
> f.map
NoMethodError: undefined method `map' for 2 a b + 3 b + 4 :Module
	from (irb):8
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
# Itemset is displayed with item a as the first sequence in the bit string,
# and item b corresponds to the first row of the bit string.
# Weight is displayed as the cell value. Upper left cell contains 0 in a, and 0 in b,
# and constant term 4 is shown.

# The 4 items are as follows. 
> g=a*b + 2*b*c + 3*d + 4
> g.show
 a b + 2 b c + 3 d + 4
> g.map
NoMethodError: undefined method `map' for a b + 2 b c + 3 d + 4 :Module
	from (irb):17
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

Example 5: rmap

> require 'zdd'
# Declare 4 items a,b,c,d
> ZDD::symbol("a")
> ZDD::symbol("b")
> ZDD::symbol("c")
> ZDD::symbol("d")

> f=ZDD::itemset("a b") + 2*ZDD::itemset("b c") + 4
> f.show
 a b + 2 b c + 4

# The following displays as map.
> f.map
NoMethodError: undefined method `map' for a b + 2 b c + 4 :Module
	from (irb):12
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

# d is omitted when displayed as rmap. 
> f.rmap
NoMethodError: undefined method `rmap' for a b + 2 b c + 4 :Module
	from (irb):15
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

Example 6: case

> require 'zdd'
> a=ZDD::itemset("a")
> b=ZDD::itemset("b")
> c=ZDD::itemset("c")
> f=5*a*b*c - 3*a*b + 2*b*c + 5*c
> f.show
 5 a b c - 3 a b + 2 b c + 5 c

> f.case
NoMethodError: undefined method `case' for 5 a b c +  - 3 a b + 2 b c + 5 c:Module
	from (irb):8
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'

Example 7: decomp

> require 'zdd'
> a=ZDD::itemset("a")
> b=ZDD::itemset("b")
> c=ZDD::itemset("c")

> f1=(a*b*c)
> f1.show
 a b c
> f1.decomp
NoMethodError: undefined method `decomp' for a b c:Module
	from (irb):8
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
# AND of a,b,c is expressed as a*b*c=a b c

> f2=((a*b*c)+(a*b))
> f2.show
 a b c + a b
> f2.decomp
NoMethodError: undefined method `decomp' for a b c + a b:Module
	from (irb):13
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
# OR of c,1 is expressed as (c+1), in addition, AND of a b is expressed as (a b),
# the complete expression becomes (a b)*(c+1)=a b c + a b

> f3=((a*b*c)+(a*b)+(b*c))
> f3.show
 a b c + a b + b c
> f3.decomp
NoMethodError: undefined method `decomp' for a b c + a b + b c:Module
	from (irb):19
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
# [ a c ] enumerates all combinations from a and c as (a c + a + c).
# AND of b and the above expression becomes b*(a c + a + c) = a b c + a b + b c

> f4=((a*b*c)+(a*b)+(b*c)+(c*a))
> f4.show
 a b c + a b + a c + b c
> f4.decomp
NoMethodError: undefined method `decomp' for a b c + a b + a c + b c:Module
	from (irb):25
	from /Users/stephane/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/irb:16:in `<main>'
# [ a b c ] enumerates all combinations from a,b,c as (a b c + a b + b c + c a)

See Also

export : Save the structure of ZDD in a file.