3 Overview of ZDD Operators and Methods

This chapter provides reference to all ZDD operators and functions. The reference consists of four parts including format, description, examples and links. The reference format of the operators and functions are illustrated as follows.


$obj$.lcm($type,transaction,minsup[,order,ub]$) $\rightarrow $ $zdd$

  $transaction$ : string

  $type$ : string

  $minsup$ : integer

  $order$ : string

  $ub$ : integer

Arguments and return values are shown in italics, and the return value of the operator / function is shown on the right hand side of the arrow. $obj$ represents the ZDD object on which the method is applied to, $zdd$,$zdd1$ and $zdd2$ represent the ZDD objects as arguments or return values. Other format of Ruby objects are specified in format.